Government Arts & Science College, Calicut, Meenchanda, is one of the well-known colleges in Kerala established in 1964.


Research Journal

Government Arts & Science College RESEARCH JOURNAL is a multi-disciplinary research journal with ISSN 2277-4246, publishing every year. It started in the year 2007. It is a publication of research papers submitted by scholars and researchers. The research paper for publication is selected after the scrutiny of the Peer Review Committee and the Editorial Board.

Editorial Board

The publication of the Journal is done under the supervision of an Editorial Board consisting of a Managing Editor, Editor and Seven Committee Members. Managing Editor will be the Principal of our College. The Chief Editor and Editorial Board are nominated by the College Council among the well experienced and reputed members.

Editorial Board Members:

Peer Review Committee

A Peer Review Committee consisting of the senior and well experienced faculties of various disciplines is constituted for the scrutiny of research papers. The Peer Review Committee before recomming a paper for publication may examine the papers in matters of its authenticity, originality and other basic qualities in accordance with the Style Manual. The following are the members of the present Peer Review Committee:

Style Manual

Those who submit research articles for consideration of publication should adhere to the rules laid down by the Research Committee. The Title Page of the paper contain the full title of the paper, name of the author, their full address, phone number and email-ID. Pages of the research paper should be word-processed using a size 12 font, Times New Roman. The lines should be double spaced with one inch margins at all sides. Page number may be given for all pages. Use endnotes to acknowledge the source of information. Endnotes should be numbered in Arabic numerals (1,2,3…). Research papers are to be original in content and are to be contributing fresh/original knowledge and interpretation in the field of research. Standard form of endnote/footnote system is to be followed consisting of clarity of information regarding the source used. The scholar will be responsible for the information and opinion given in the research article and all sorts of plagiarism are to be avoided. The Editorial Board has the right to scrutiny each paper with the help of the Peer Review Committee and consider whether it is publishable or not. The Board has the right to reject or edit the paper while it is considered for publication in the Journal.

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Copy Right

Principal is the publisher of the Journal and he/she owns the copy right of the journal and articles published.